New Podcast on Anselm Kiefer

# 18 Anselm Kiefer zwischen Mythos und Mystik, 46 Min. (Anselm Kiefer between Myths and Mystics)

Podcast ARTdoc- – Spiegelbergers Kunstpodcast

Available on: Soundcloud und Spotify

In this ARTdoc episode, we attempt to decipher Anselm Kiefer’s complex oeuvre, starting with his work cycle “Himmelspaläste (Heavenly Palaces)” from the late 1980s. Without doubt, he is one of the most important artists of his generation. Despite his German passport, French President Emmanuel Macron has commissioned him to create a pictorial tribute to the pantheonization of the writer Maurice Genevoix. This was preceded by the exhibition “Pour Paul Celan” at the Grand Palais Ephémère in Paris. The combination elevated him to the status of a French national hero. But his international fame is no worse. In the context of the 59th Biennale, the artist presented a huge installation at the Doge’s Palace in Venice in his usual monumental manner. Art historian Dr. Harriet Häussler, who devoted her dissertation to these questions, explains what lies behind his heavy materials, the charged symbols, his proximity to the German artist Joseph Beuys and his penchant for mythology.

Speaker: Rene Spiegelberger

Academic speaker: Dr. Harriet Häussler

Editing, concept and production: Anna Joos

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