London opens – Berlin closes

Last Friday, April 23, 2021 the new regulations of the German state come into force which shall help to reduce the spread of the Corona virus. In all German cities and areas with an incidence of more than 100 all museums, operas, theaters and other cultural institutions have to close apart from other strict regulations for schools and shops. Therefore all state museums in Berlin had to close Friday night. Friday was the last day where the residents of Berlin could visit the Nofrete sculpture at the Neues Museum, Priamos’ treasure at the Pergamon museum and the famous “Birkenau”-painting cycle of Gerhard Richter at the Alte Nationalgalerie.

From now on the incidence controls the culture landscape in Germany: an incidence over 100 means closure – under 100 means openings under restrictions. Since Friday there are no other criteria valid apart from the incidence.

In the meantime, the British government follow its timetable of lockdown loosening. Since the majority of the British adults are vaccinated the corona incidence is stable at a very low level. The roadmap for lifting the lockdown allows now several ourdoor activities. Since April 12, 2021 many cultural attractions are open again. Have a look at to see what you can visit now. With the permission of opening all shops, the galleries have reopened as well. They can be visited without a negative corona test or a special appointment booking. Have a look at to see which exhibition might be of interest for you.

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